Welcome to my blog. Browse the posts to read about the projects I've worked on.
The posts are arranged in a chronological order starting out with my first open source contributions.
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This was a project me and my project partner developed for our 3rd year Computer Graphics course. This project is based on OpenGL and is completely written in C++. I decided using C++ over Javascript, the language I had most experience in at that time, for multiple reasons. Firstly, OpenGL is itself written in C and thus has a stable, well written implementation for C++ and secondly, after working on a high level language like Javascript, I wanted to try out something different to gain a new perpective and C++ seemed like a good option. Read More...
This was my final project for Taskcluster before I got busy with school work. Coincidentally, it was also my biggest contribution yet involving more than 1500 modified lines, 4 PRs and 100s of comments worth discussion and constructive criticism. This whole project took me well around a month to implement and the folks over at Taskcluster were nice enough to guide me throughout.
As mentioned in my previous posts, Taskcluster is used for continuous integration and task execution. Read More...
After I had a few of my PRs merged and was feeling confident about the codebase, I moved on to a bigger project.
The Taskcluster platform is built on the microservices model. The backbone of the whole platform is the taskcluster-queue which is implemented using RabbitMQ that uses Advanced Message Queueing Protocol(AMQP) at its core. Whenever a task needs to be performed its specification is published onto the queue where workers pick up the relevant tasks. Read More...